The Government of the Republic of Nauru

2012 台灣志工協助建置 ╭═╦╯ ║ ╰ ╭╦══╦══╦╯ ╭╯ ╮ ═╮══╦╩╦══ ══╬══╬══╯╭═══════╮╭╯ ╰╮ ╰╭╯║ ║╰╮ ║ ║ ╭╯║╭═║═╮═╮║╰═══════╣═╮ ╰════╮ ╭═╬╯ ╰╮╯ ╯ ╰════ ╭══════╮ ╰ ╭════╯ ║ ╭╰╮ ╠═╭══╯ ║ ║ ╭ ╰════╮ ╯ ╯ ╰╯ ═══╯╰═══ ╰══════╯ ═╯ ╯ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ?MM" ~"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMM :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM "MMMM ""?MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM " MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMXxx "" MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx xx: MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: MMMMMHXMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"" ~MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMHx: "MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM"" xxMMMMMMMMMx "MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM"~ xxMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ?MMMMMM MM?"" xxxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ~MMMMMM M ::????????!?!!!!!!!?!????????: "MMMMM MM!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~!MMM MMMMHXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!X!!XXXXXXXXXx MM / \ | _________________________________________ | | | | | | | C:\>我愛台灣 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________| | | | \_________________________________________________/ \___________________________________/ ___________________________________________ _-' .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. --- `-_ _-'.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--. .-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-`__`. .-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-. .-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----. .-.-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-.-. .---.-. .-------------------------. .-.---. .---.-.-.-.`-_ :-------------------------------------------------------------------------: `---._.-------------------------------------------------------------._.---'

Media Release

07 January 2015

Government condemns vandals of primary school

The vandalism to Nauru Primary School this week (Monday 5 January) is being condemned by the Government and the community.   Just weeks before the start of the new academic year 18 classrooms were broken into, windows smashed and numerous desktop ...


12 December 2014

CJ Madraiwiwi formally closes legal year

His Honour Chief Justice Joni Madraiwiwi formally closed the Supreme Court of Nauru for the year and adjourned proceedings accordingly.   Chief Justice Madraiwiwi, Justice Jane Hamilton-White, Justice Mohammed Shafiullah Khan and Resident Magistrate ...


11 December 2014

Supreme Court has deemed suspension of MPs lawful

The Supreme Court of Nauru has ruled in favour of the Speaker of Parliament, that the suspension of five MPs earlier this year was lawful. Kieren Keke, Roland Kun, Mathew Batsiua were suspended in May, followed by Sprent Dabwido and Squire Jeremiah ...


09 December 2014

President thanks Nauruan people on International anti-corruption day

In acknowledgement of the United Nations sponsored 'International anti-corruption day', President Baron Waqa has thanked the people of Nauru for their hard work and unity since the election of the government in June 2013.   His Excellency said ...


09 December 2014

24 asylum seekers granted refugee status on Nauru

The Government of Nauru handed down status determinations to 25 asylum seekers yesterday (8 December), 24 of those were granted refugee status.   The 24 comprise 22 people in seven family groups, one single adult female and an unaccompanied minor. ...


09 December 2014

ROC establishes fund to support development of fishing industry in Pacific island nations

ROC establishes fund to support development of fishing industry in Pacific island nations     The Republic of China (Taiwan) announced December 1 at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) ...