The Government of the Republic of Nauru

2012 台灣志工協助建置 ╭═╦╯ ║ ╰ ╭╦══╦══╦╯ ╭╯ ╮ ═╮══╦╩╦══ ══╬══╬══╯╭═══════╮╭╯ ╰╮ ╰╭╯║ ║╰╮ ║ ║ ╭╯║╭═║═╮═╮║╰═══════╣═╮ ╰════╮ ╭═╬╯ ╰╮╯ ╯ ╰════ ╭══════╮ ╰ ╭════╯ ║ ╭╰╮ ╠═╭══╯ ║ ║ ╭ ╰════╮ ╯ ╯ ╰╯ ═══╯╰═══ ╰══════╯ ═╯ ╯ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ?MM" ~"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMM :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM "MMMM ""?MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM " MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMXxx "" MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx xx: MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: MMMMMHXMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"" ~MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMHx: "MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM"" xxMMMMMMMMMx "MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM"~ xxMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ?MMMMMM MM?"" xxxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ~MMMMMM M ::????????!?!!!!!!!?!????????: "MMMMM MM!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~!MMM MMMMHXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!X!!XXXXXXXXXx MM / \ | _________________________________________ | | | | | | | C:\>我愛台灣 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________| | | | \_________________________________________________/ \___________________________________/ ___________________________________________ _-' .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. --- `-_ _-'.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--. .-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-`__`. .-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-. .-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----. .-.-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-.-. .---.-. .-------------------------. .-.---. .---.-.-.-.`-_ :-------------------------------------------------------------------------: `---._.-------------------------------------------------------------._.---'

Media Release

09 June 2014

Ronwan capital distribution

The Baron Waqa government will commence payment today (Monday, 9 June) of $60-million to landowners as part payment of the Ronwan capital.   The Waqa government and the Nauru Phosphate Royalties Trust (NPRT) have announced the following schedule:   1.    Beginning the ...


09 June 2014

Parliament suspends 2 MPs for unruly behaviour

The Parliament of Nauru has suspended two members of parliament citing unruly behaviour in the last sitting of parliament in which they verbally abused the speaker of parliament and the president as well as cause damage to a microphone in parliament chambers.   Members ...


05 June 2014

Rioting asylum seekers receive jail sentences in Nauru

Two asylum seekers convicted last month (16 May) of riot and unlawful assembly at the Nauru Regional Processing Centre in July 2013 causing $60-million in damages, received their separate jail sentences today (5 June).   The first accused received ...


05 June 2014

Nauru calls for rethink on rising oceans

The republic of Nauru has reacted with alarm over new reports suggesting that the west Antarctic ice sheet is melting faster than initially thought. The reports indicate that global sea levels will rise by an additional four feet in the next few centuries, ...


04 June 2014

Hearings for asylum seekers charged over July 2013 riot continues, two convictions

One of the seven groups of asylum seekers accused of riot and unlawful assembly during a disturbance at the Nauru Regional Processing Centre in July 2013 have applied for an adjournment part way through proceedings to seek additional counsel to assist ...


23 May 2014

Nauru hands down another 10 positive refugee status determinations

The Government of Nauru continues to hand down refugee status determinations with another ten out of 21 positive determinations announced yesterday (22 May).   The group consists of four single adult men and six people in two families (husband ...