The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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NORI supports educational initiatives

NORI supports educational initiatives


The Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. (NORI), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Metals Company with Nauru as the sponsoring state, continues to support educational initiatives in Nauru and the wider Pacific.


Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Lionel Aingimea updated parliament on the recent developments regarding the NORI Nodule Project, 5 April, including scholarships and project sponsorships in the communities.


Parliament LA - NORI


Seven students have been awarded NORI-sponsored undergraduate scholarships for studies at the University of the South Pacific through the NORI-USP scholarship program.

Additionally NORI initiated several grassroots community programs supporting small and medium scale development projects that are focused on creating positive changes in the communities including education, ocean health, environment, agriculture, sports, and women empowerment.


Country Manager Lesi Olsson says the effects of climate change have become more evident especially in the Pacific. Alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal and wave will help the world transition away from burning fossil fuel and oil and lower the impact of climate change.


These energies are stored in batteries and the critical metals required in batteries are "nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese…all of which are concentrated in these [polymetallic nodules] rocks".


The International Seabed Authority (ISA) awarded NORI a polymetallic nodule exploration contract in 2011 sponsored by the government of the Republic of Nauru. Under this contract NORI has exploration rights in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) which is 8,505km from Nauru, to source critical metals required for the transition to a non-carbon future.


The Nauru Seabed Mineral Authority and Nauru Ocean Resource Inc. are working together on the polymetallic nodule industry in international waters.

To learn more about the NORI nodule project, NORI's community programs and initiatives including training opportunities, or request a presentation to the communities, visit the NORI office located at the Eigigu Hardware Store Building, Denig District to meet with NORI Country Manager Lesi Olsson and NORI's Program Administrator Lisa Cook. Contact 5574391 or email

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